Office Address

123/A, Miranda City Likaoli Prikano, Dope

Phone Number

+0989 7876 9865 9

+(090) 8765 86543 85

Email Address

Do you need accessories for your marking machines? You have come to the right place: this section shows the full range of SOMAUT marking accessories.

Our marking accessories, designed to customise our marking machines for specific purposes, are listed below.

  • Interchangeable types: available in various sizes and shapes, rectangular or conical; the code or message to be marked can be made up of letters and numbers.
  • 1-, 2- or 3-line typeholder to keep the type aligned and in position.
  • Numbering heads: automatic for marking sequentially incrementing numbers at each cycle, or with hand levers for marking letters and numbers.
  • Shanks: join the typeholders, numbering heads, clichés and marking machines together Available in various sizes, according to model.
  • Punches to customer specification: hardened steel punches or clichés are made to your specific needs for reproducing text or logos.
  • Hand punches: hand punches are available in sets of letters or numbers, and heights ranging from 1 to 16 mm.
    The engraving can be full character, dot face, low stress, standard or reverse.
  • Supports: various supports are available for marking round pieces.
Type kit

Type kit

Typeholders and shanks

Typeholders and shanks

Linear types

Linear types

Wedge types

Wedge types

Nuclear stamp types

Nuclear stamp types

Impact punch

Impact punch

Roll punch

Roll punch

Hot punch

Hot punch

Numbering heads

Numbering heads




We listen carefully to your marking needs and recommend the marking machines that suit them best.